
Account Takeover Protection in the SaaS World

Account takeover protection

It is most expedient that businesses use Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) to stay competitive. However, regarding online security, Account Takeover Protection is a critical component that can’t be overlooked.

The frequency of account takeover attacks in the SaaS world has been on an alarming rise. According to Javelin Research, there were 1,345 unique compromised accounts recorded in March alone with over half starting to send out phishing or spam messages.

In 2022 FTC report – people filed more reports about identity Theft (21.5% of all reports), in all its various forms, than any other type of complaint. Imposter Scams, a subset of Fraud reports, followed with 725,989 reports from consumers in 2022 (14.1%ofallreports). 

What is Account Takeover?

An account takeover, often abbreviated as ATO, refers to a form of identity theft where fraudsters gain unauthorized access to user accounts. This fraudulent activity typically involves stealing credentials through phishing attacks or data breaches and using them for malicious purposes such as conducting fraudulent transactions.

In an account takeover attack, the attacker uses compromised credentials to pose as the legitimate account owner. They may change account details, transfer funds, make purchases with credit cards linked to the account, or even lock out the actual user by changing passwords.

This raises the question:

Are traditional email security platforms sufficient for protecting against these modern hacking techniques?

The response is not as optimistic as we’d wish. Traditional Secure Email Gateway (SEG)-based email security platforms are proving insufficient and failing to provide comprehensive protection against these advanced threats.

We will discuss some of the recommended strategies, methodologies and security technologies coupled  with the use of Artificial Intelligence to protect against Account Takeover.

Fortifying Account Takeover Protection in the SaaS World

The increasing threat of account takeover attacks has made it crucial for businesses to adopt robust security measures. Single Sign-On (SSO) is an effective measure for fortifying account takeover protection in the SaaS world, providing a centralized authentication point to reduce memorization of multiple passwords and minimize opportunities for identity theft. SSO serves as a centralized authentication point, reducing the necessity for users to memorize multiple passwords and decreasing opportunities for identity theft through stolen credentials.

A closer look at SSO reveals its advantages:

With just one-time authentication, users can access all systems without having to log in separately each time. This not only improves user experience by removing login friction but also boosts security – fewer login attempts mean less chance for fraudsters attempting credential stuffing or other forms of unauthorized access.

Role of Single Sign-On in preventing breaches

In addition to these benefits, CSO Online reports that another advantage offered by SSO is detailed audit trails which IT departments can effectively utilize towards fraud detection and identifying suspicious activity patterns related to ATO attacks. However, relying solely on single sign-on isn’t enough considering today’s advanced attack landscape where attackers often employ sophisticated techniques leading to compromised accounts.

How SIEM contributes to cybersecurity

Beyond leveraging single sign-on capabilities within multi-factor authentication frameworks alongside regular employee training about recognizing signs indicating fraudulent transactions, Security Information Event Management (SIEM) plays an integral role in comprehensive account takeover protection strategies too. 

By collecting real-time data from various sources including servers, firewalls, SaaS instances among others across the organization’s user, application and network infrastructure – SIEM tools help organizations identify potential threats before they escalate into full-blown cyberattacks.

On average, organizations take nearly 100 hours to identify, respond to, and remediate a post-deliver email threat — 43 hours to detect the attack and 56 hours to respond and remediate after the attack is detected. – Barracuda 2023 spear-phishing trends

A key feature making SIEM solutions stand out, according to a TechTarget report, lies in their correlation abilities: These tools correlate seemingly unrelated events over different networks/systems during specific periods, helping detect complex threat patterns indicative of more severe cybercrimes like ATO frauds wherein criminals slowly infiltrate legitimate accounts after gaining unauthorized entry using compromised credentials.

To further bolster defense mechanisms against account takeovers, well-configured SIEMs monitor unsuccessful login attempts commonly associated with brute force assaults,

Key Thought: 



Bolstering account takeover protection in the SaaS realm demands more than just Single Sign-On (SSO); it calls for comprehensive strategies like Security Information Event Management (SIEM) tools. These not only detect potential threats but also correlate unrelated events to identify complex cybercrime patterns, fortifying defenses against sophisticated attacks.

Misuse Of Publicly Available VPNs By Hackers

Hackers are increasingly utilizing Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to perpetrate account takeovers, even though they were initially designed to provide enhanced online security and privacy.

Rising misuse of public VPN services by hackers

The use of publicly available VPN services provides anonymity that is attractive to fraudsters attempting account takeovers. These malicious actors can hide their true identities and locations using the vast pool of IP addresses provided by these platforms.

This poses significant challenges in preventing account takeover fraud as traditional measures such as tracking suspicious IPs or monitoring unusual login attempts may not be effective when attackers mask themselves behind legitimate-looking IPs from reputable public-facing VPNs.

A study found approximately 40% attack traffic originated from anonymous proxies or VPN services – an alarming statistic highlighting the scale at which this threat exists. This calls for advanced protection methods capable of identifying compromised credentials even if hidden behind a seemingly genuine IP address offered by a public-facing VPN service. Dark Reading offers further insights into this issue.

Case study involving Twilio

An incident involving Twilio around August 2022 serves as an illustrative example here; it’s worth noting that Twilio is widely employed across various sectors including financial institutions vulnerable to ATO attacks.

In this case, stolen credentials of Twilio employees were leveraged via phishing attacks or data breaches enabling unauthorized access into user accounts on the platform. The attacker subsequently created new subaccounts under the victim’s primary one without raising any immediate suspicions due largely to the usage of reputable public-facing VPNs masking their actual origin point.

The fraudulent accounts were then exploited for sending spam emails among other illicit activities undetected until discovered during routine audits much later. This underscores how sophisticated techniques like credential stuffing coupled with anonymizing technologies allow criminals not only to steal credentials but also to conduct fraudulent transactions seamlessly under false pretenses.

This growing sophistication necessitates multi-factor authentication combined with AI-driven anomaly detection systems forming part of our comprehensive strategy against Account Takeover Fraud prevention efforts.

Key Thought: 



Public VPNs, despite their security benefits, are increasingly exploited by cybercriminals for account takeovers. Traditional defense measures fall short as hackers mask themselves behind legitimate IPs from these services. To counter this growing threat, we need advanced protection methods like AI-driven anomaly detection and multi-factor authentication to unmask compromised credentials and thwart fraudulent activities effectively.

AI Algorithms For Identifying Compromised Accounts

AI-enabled cybersecurity has been revolutionized by the emergence of AI algorithms. These AI-powered tools have become instrumental in preventing account takeover attacks, a rising threat to businesses worldwide.

Diving into the world of AI-enhanced cybersecurity,

In an age of increasingly skilled cybercriminals that being empowered by widely available AI tools, businesses must take a proactive and creative approach to their security protocols to protect against account takeover attacks.

This is where artificial intelligence comes into play. By analyzing patterns in authentication attempts and other related behaviors such as login times or transaction activities, these intelligent systems can identify signs indicative of fraudulent transactions before they occur – essentially predicting potential threats that could lead to account compromise.

Safeguarding against ATO through Email, Collaboration Tools, and SaaS Apps

The importance of account takeover protection cannot be overstated. As a business executive or IT professional, you need robust measures in place to prevent account takeover fraud that can lead not only to significant financial losses but also damage your reputation and customer trust.

Harmony Email & Collaboration for Account Takeover Protection

A powerful solution like Harmony Email & Collaboration (HEC) offers complete protection for Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and all your collaboration and file-sharing apps. It uses advanced attack detection techniques such as anomaly detection algorithms, which identify suspicious activity based on patterns in login attempts and authentication attempts.

  • Data Breaches: HEC helps safeguard against data breaches by monitoring for any signs of compromised credentials being used within your network.
  • Credential Stuffing: Through its sophisticated systems, it prevents credential stuffing where hackers use stolen account details from one site to gain access elsewhere.
  • User Friction: While ensuring security, HEC maintains minimal user friction with seamless integration into existing workflows.
  • MFA Implementation: To further bolster security measures, HEC supports multi-factor authentication – an effective way of preventing identity theft by requiring more than just a password for accessing legitimate accounts.
Account Takeover Protection

Fraud detection plays a crucial role in stopping ATO fraud before it inflicts harm. By detecting unusual behaviour early on – such as multiple failed login attempts – businesses can take swift action against potential threats.

To sum up, Harmony Email & Collaboration serves as a comprehensive solution offering top-notch account takeover protection across email platforms and collaborative tools commonly targeted by cybercriminals seeking ways around traditional defenses via phishing attacks or other methods aimed at stealing credentials.

Finally, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” – Benjamin Franklin said so rightly. It applies perfectly well here too. By staying ahead through strategic planning aided by cutting-edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence, we can prevent our business from falling prey to Account Takeover Attack

FAQs in Relation to Account Takeover Protection

What does account takeover protection do?

Account takeover protection safeguards your online accounts from unauthorized access and exploitation by cybercriminals. It employs advanced security measures to detect suspicious activities, prevent breaches, and maintain the integrity of user data.

How can we protect against account takeover?

To protect against account takeovers, implement robust cybersecurity practices such as using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication (2FA), regularly monitoring for unusual activity, and leveraging AI algorithms for early detection of threats.

What is the risk of account takeover?

The risk involves loss or theft of sensitive information leading to financial losses or reputational damage. Cybercriminals may misuse compromised accounts for fraudulent transactions, spamming other users, or gaining unauthorized access to confidential data.

Is account takeover a breach?

Absolutely. An account takeover is considered a security breach as it involves unauthorized intrusion into personal accounts with the potential exposure and misuse of sensitive user information.

What is The Process of Account Takeover Fraud?

A typical instance of account takeover fraud starts with credential stuffing. Here’s how it works:

  1. Fraudsters attempt multiple login attempts across various platforms using stolen credentials from previous data breaches.
  2. If any authentication attempts are successful (indicating that a user has reused their password), they then have access to those accounts.
  3. Suspicious activity is conducted within these accounts – this could range from making unauthorized changes in settings and personal information, performing financial transactions, or sending spam messages under your name.

How Do I Prevent Account Takeovers?

To prevent account takeover attacks, businesses should adopt advanced security measures like two-factor authentication (2FA) or multi-factor authentication (MFA). These methods add another layer of protection beyond just usernames and passwords. Even if attackers steal credentials via phishing attacks or other means, they would still need additional verification factors like biometric data or unique codes sent via SMS/email before gaining access.

Your Business Need Account Takeover Protection

Account takeover (ATO) due to increased credential thefts largely through the fact that hackers or malicious services are exploiting email and other SaaS products. Unfortunately, traditional email security platforms are proving insufficient in the face of modern hacking techniques. Our business need to adopt modern solutions to defend both business and workforce from being exploited. 

The SaaS realm is seeing an escalation in account hijacking attempts, with cyberpunks employing malevolent IPs and even AI tools to purloin sensitive data.

A promising approach lies with modern solutions like HEC embedded with AI algorithms that can effectively identify compromised accounts before they’re exploited further by criminals.

If you’re ready for advanced strategies that ensure Account Takeover Protection, consider partnering with olayemis. At olayemis.com, we offer cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions designed to protect small and midsize businesses from the latest cyber threats. Contact us, to start off with strategy and solutions to secure your business from ever-evolving cyber threats. Your digital safety is our priority!

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