Tempted to test new features before everyone else? DON’T BE!

Have you ever been tempted to download the beta version of your favourite app? Do you like to test out all the cool new features before anyone else?


The FBI has some news that might make you think twice.

Cybercriminals are hiding malicious code in fake beta versions of popular apps to steal money from unsuspecting users.

While we certainly appreciate innovation like any team of tech enthusiasts, it’s important to acknowledge that beta versions, despite their allure, have not undergone the rigorous security checks required for apps in official app stores.

Fraudsters deceive recipients by sending counterfeit emails, masquerading as renowned app developers, with enticing promises of exclusive access to forthcoming beta versions.

However, it’s important to acknowledge that these deceptive applications are also fraudulent. Once installed, they possess the ability to engage in various malicious activities, such as unauthorized access to sensitive financial data and even complete takeover of your mobile device.

Are staff downloading them onto company devices? Could your business be compromised?

In our story, there’s a clear moral: Patience, my friends, is indeed a virtue.

Avoid rushing to download beta versions of apps. Exercise patience and wait until they’re stable and officially released in app stores. Remember, good things come to those who wait, and that prioritize your security.

In today’s digital age, it’s crucial to be as smart and savvy as the technology we rely on. Therefore, before hitting that download button, pause and ask yourself: does this app truly warrant the potential risks it may pose?

In this digital age, we must be as smart and savvy as the technology we use. So, before you hit download, take a moment to think: is this app worth the risk?

Ensure your staff is aligned in their thinking. Additionally, if you decide to provide them with business mobile devices, it may be prudent to explore a Mobile Device Management solution to maintain control over their device usage.

We can assist in bolstering the security of all your devices. Don’t hesitate to reach out for further assistance.

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